PAST LIFE DIARY 1 - Story 13 - Back in the elevator shaft (Jeremy)


This is what happened before the scenes described in PAST LIEF DIARY 1 - Story 9 - The elevator.

I'm in the elevator shaft. It's really warm; the other guy is wiping the sweat off his forehead.

Q: What's his name?

Jeremy: James Cox.

Q: What about the short guy?

Jeremy: They call him Gertrude. We also call him Trudy.

He's so scared, standing to the side, unable to be of much help. I'm worried about him, but I tell him to pull himself together cause we need him to help with lifting this big block. He agrees. The three of us try to lift the block that's lying in the middle of the shaft. I climb up the ladder and tell the guys above us that we're going to get out of the shaft for a break cause Trudy's having trouble. We get out and try to comfort him. "We ain't got all day!" another guy says. The other work can't continue as long as the elevator is out of service. We then get back in the shaft.


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