PAST LIFE DIARY 1 - Story 7 - Surnames (Jeremy & Louise)

SURNAMES (Jeremy & Louise)

I'm outside in a park in the city. I'm looking at a little child. I think it's a boy. He's wearing a sleeveless denim overall and a striped T-shirt with long sleeves. We're gathered here for some kind of special day; something to do with liberation. I'm about forty two years old. I'm here with four of my kids. The oldest one didn't wanna come. She stayed home with Cathy.

Q: Who's Cathy?

Jeremy: She's an old neighbor; a friend of Louise.

I feel sad. I'm going to leave the kids here and go somewhere!

Q: You will leave them here??

Jeremy: Yeah, they'll be fine with these people. Don't worry.

I feel excited to have an opportunity to get out on my own. I'm going with a friend to a record store. I'm gonna buy some soul music! I like soul. It makes me feel calm.

Q: When did your father die?

Jeremy: It was a horrifying accident. I see a steamroller.

Q: Tell me about the surname I heard at the travel agency.

Jeremy: It's Louise's maiden name. It's complicated. She had a different surname before that. She was adopted, and got another name.

I ask to be taken to when he was five years old and let me hear him say his name. He calls himself name Jeremy Richardson, almost stumbling over his last name.

Jeremy: People call us (our family) Richards, but when I was in school, I had to say "Richardson" which is my official surname.

Q: What's your middle name?

Jeremy: Jeffrey.

Q: What's the name of your father?

Jeremy: Joseph.

Q: And mother?

Jeremy: Elisabeth.

Q: I will have to ask Louise about her surname, right?

Jeremy: Yes.

Louise: I have my uncle's surname: Darnell.

Q: How come?

Louise: My father was a fugitive. I was adopted by my maternal uncle, and so I carry my mom's maiden name.

Q: Do you have any siblings?

Louise: I have a little sister. Her name is Suzy. She has blond hair. I'm about ten years old, and she's a toddler.

Q: Who's her father?

Louise: I guess it's this guy who used to come to the house. I see him. He looks quite young.

Q: Who is he?

Louise: He's our neighbor, Mister Thomasson. I'm not sure how it's written.

Q: When was the last time you saw your father?

Louise: I was about three years old. I saw him again after that when I was six, but wasn't allowed to go up to him cause he was still on the run.

Q: Why was he on the run?

Louise: He stole some stuff.

Q: What was your surname before you were adopted by your uncle?

Louise: Jefferson. My mother's name is Marie-Louise. They call her Louise.


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