PAST LIFE DIARY 1 - Story 11 - Young Eilie


I'm a newborn. I'm in the room with my parents. The large bedroom is on the first floor. My mother has long and curly, golden blond hair. My name is Elisabeth.

I'm about nine years old now. I have a big brother. There is something wrong with him. He's blind. It happened because of an illness when he was 4-5 years old. We're close in age, and I have a good bond with him. My father died at war. My mother seems worried. She's not the same mother that I had when I was born. This one has dark hair. I have curly, black hair myself. I have a younger sister and another baby sister. Between me and my younger sister there was another child that died.

Q: What happened to your real mother?

Eilie: I don't want to know. She's very resistant, apparently having blocked it from her conscious mind. We revisit the scene regardless.

I'm three years old. My mother is giving birth. There are some women assisting her, but things are not going well. I'm scared. My father doesn't seem worried. He picks me up and carries me at a distance from the bed. After a while, he carries me over to my mother to look at her. Horrified by what I see, I turn my face to his shoulder and cry. It was a boy. He died. It seems they tried to get the baby out by C-section.

I'm sitting on the bed with my father and my brother. Father explains that mommy isn't coming back and tells us that he's going to get us a new mommy. He calls me Eilie. I tell him that I want my old mommy back. I'm upset.


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