PAST LIFE DIARY 1 - Story 3 - Behind bars (Jan)


I can't see. I feel rough walls to my right. I'm in jail. I'm barefoot. The ground is dirty. I can feel dirt and hay under my feet. It smells like urine.

Q: How old are you?

Jan: Eighteen.

Q: Show me something else from your life.

Jan: Don't think my life is any more interesting than yours!

I'm younger now, about fourteen years old. I'm quite short and haven't reached puberty yet. I'm outside. There's grass. I'm happy and energetic. I'm a short guy. It smells like horse manure. Don't think the air was much cleaner in those days!

Q: Show me your brother.

He's taller than me and has dark hair. There is some bad blood between us.

Q: What's his name?

Jan: Pieter Heyndrick.

Q: Show me the moment when you were captured.

I'm in a town. I'm trying to get away from them. About four men have circled around me. They catch me, and one of them stabs me in my lower back. I still try to fight back, but I'm thrown on the ground with my face in the dirt. One of them puts his foot on my neck. I feel dirt in my mouth and eyes. I move my face to the side. I find myself out of my body, and I start to move around in the area till I suddenly feel myself sucked back into my body. I'm lying on a riding cart now. I'm in pain, my face is swollen, and I can't see.

I'm in jail now, and there are many other people here. I hear some of them laughing at me. I'm here cause I spoke out about the government and people in positions of authority. I'm having a conversation with the others. They seem to be used to the idea that one simply doesn't speak out; it's not something they can afford to do. I've been raised in a privileged situation, and hence I never considered freedom of speech to be unaffordable. I don't agree with them. I state that, when things are wrong, we should speak up about it. It seems they've never even heard of this possibility.


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